Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Deaf In One Ear, Blind In The Other

I am deaf in the ears, blind in the eyes, mute in the tongue, and psychic in the brain.

I have to say that I am entranced by a new book. New to me anyways, but honestly I can't put down The Hunger Games.

I like titles that don't make sense.

Adventure of the week before this one: my dishwasher was being a jerk and made sure that I came home to a halfway flooded house. That was the adventure to begin with, the rest of it was the three days to pull up carpet, wood flooring, dry it all out, get new flooring, put the carpet back, and move the furniture back to where it is supposed to reside.

I have a cat. I have a cat with puppy dog eyes dogs only WISH they had. They envy his skills.

Painted some more.

I am drawing blanks here. I've been falling out of my writing routine and it's making me suffer.

I motivated myself today. In preparation for Lent (for which I am giving up procrastination and bad exercising habits) I decided to pay attention in class today and I took amazing notes. I feel so proud. Pat on the back for me from me! WHOOHOO.

Now, if I could just finish that project and paper due tomorrow...

Glitter is like that radiation poisoning that travels through food chains and builds up and eventually kills the thing that eats the thing that eats the thing that eats the thing that eats the thing that was poisoned by radiation. It will never ever really get out of your system. Never. It's the same idea as radioactive decay, it never goes away even if it's around for thousands of years, it has that half-life thing going on. If you're sitting next to someone who has glitter on their shirt, if you sit where someone with glitter sat before you, or worse, if you hug someone covered with glitter, you will never be able to get rid of it. You're stuck with it forever.

Why is it that I come to the college library to do research and I see a book about theorizing Twilight? It makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. Really? Really?

Happy FAT Tuesday. I know, I shouldn't have made that word bold, it makes it self conscious, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I think it's BEAUTIFUL.
Mardi Gras, you used to come with huge celebrations for me, and now I can't find people who celebrate it as fun as I have seen before. I love the atmosphere and the celebrations, maybe I'll find somewhere next year, it's a little too late now anyways.

I'm going to get back to my not-procrastinating state of mind (I hope) so I will blog later when I have something interesting to share with the non-existent world that is my audience.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Have An Adventure To Tell, Except It's Not Going To Be In This Post, It Will Be In The Next One!

Hello and happy (the day after) Valentines day (aka corporate holiday)!

Yes, it's a big selling day, a day to buy because someone is pulling on your heart strings, and also because it is now expected of you. No, I have nothing against Valentines day, I actually think it's sweet, but I guess I've fallen into the habit of not thinking much about it because I was always that person who didn't get anything from someone, hard to believe right? (this is where you say, "Wow! Nothing at all? I can't understand why, you're so cool and unbelievably awesome, I would get you a valentine if I knew how to!") Aw, that's so sweet, thanks! But I have a Valentine, I'm afraid I would have to decline your offer anyways, it's the thought that counts!

Okay, I almost witnessed an accident today, I don't understand why cars don't look where they're going. I was walking up to the college, I hear a squeal (of a tire, not a pig!) next to me, I turn and see a student on a motorbike swerving because a car pulled out right in front of him while he was driving by. Stupid car, look before you pull out! It may be a small vehicle, but he isn't invisible! Goodness gracious. So, the motorbike guy almost fell off, but caught his balance and continued onward. Then again, motorbike guy wasn't being very smart either, no helmet to be seen on his head. I guess it's not a law here, just like there's no law to prevent texting and driving. The human race gets a little more stupid every time I look at it. Hypocritical I suppose, since I've done stupid things too. Doesn't mean I can't make that observation though!

Another side effect on procrastinating on writing a new blog post is that I want to comment on the SuperBowl. I dislike watching sports, any kind of sport, but I like the commercials, and the whole game, up until the last three minutes of the 4th quarter I didn't know which team was which, I had them switched up so I thought the Patriots were winning when it was really the giants, but then my little brother (who pays more attention than I do apparently) points out that the Giants were winning. Then the Patriots scored and won. Eeeeeeeh, football, played it once, but to watch? Nah, no thank you.

"Can we change the subject?"
"Why? Did it wet itself?"

Back to stupid people. Apparently some guy was trying to do a drug deal over the phone, and instead of calling the number of the buyer, he called 911 and tried to sell them drugs. How do you accidentally try to sell drugs to the police? How do you accidentally dial 911 to sell drugs? What the heck. I'm guessing the dealer was pretty stoned, obviously not the brightest, but that's in favor of the police. Things like that make me laugh.

I bet that if somehow scientists were able to create a marble sized ball of pure electrons and had someone eat it, they would explode.

I was walking down the hall a while ago, and a man was walking past me and turned to me saying "I lost my girlfriend" and the only thing I could say back was, "Oh, that's not good, I hope you find her." Why do people say such weird things to me? I didn't now the guy from Adam. Made me laugh though.

A few minutes ago someone walked into the office I work at, and it was the motorbike guy who almost got run over. Very polite and smiles a lot, he doesn't seem to upset about the whole thing, that's good.

So much to do, so little time, wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Can Hardly Stand To Sit Through This, I Can Hardly Sit To Stand Through This Either.

Hmm. I was sitting at work, a coworker points out that there are squirrels fighting outside. Turns out they weren't fighting, so I looked away for their own privacy. "Hey look! It's Animal Planet live!" sheesh, get a tree squirrels.

Spiders kind of creep me out, and the other day I saw a ton of those jumping spiders hopping through some really soft dirt, and I found it amusing that every jump they landed seemed to be on the edge of a dip in the dirt, so they would lose their footing and slide to the bottom. They didn't get anywhere fast, but I had fun watching.

Poor spiders.

I talk to a lot of people on days like this, they come into the office or they're on the other end of the phone, and it also makes me laugh (on the inside) and somewhat cringe mentally when they say, " I just had a question I wanted to ax." or "I want to ax you something." "There's something I want to ax you." "Can I ax you something?"


Really? Drives me nuts. It's ASK, not AX. Not a horror film, there isn't supposed to be any blood of guts. Nothing. Just a question.

Okay, there are thousands upon thousands of Internet memes floating around out there on the World Wide Web. Who the heck comes up with those and how do they get so popular? I don't understand anything I guess. Maybe it's the Internet god, always looking down on us, always watching, like the Big Brother of the WHOLE WORLD. Or, at least the whole World Wide Web.

Hmm, well, actually, the whole SOPA thing, if that were ever passed, THEN it would be like Big Brother of the Internet. No me gusta.

Stephen King, his books are always fun to read. There's almost always some supernatural twist though, I'm waiting for the big moment of realization in the book I'm reading now, 11/22/63, I know it's coming, but I'm halfway through it (it's 842 pages, not including the afterward. Not nearly as big as Under The Dome which was over 1,000 pages, but still pretty big.) and I still can't piece together the little clues.

I hate when I'm reading a big book like this and there are insignificant characters that suddenly become significant later and you can't remember who they are so you have to leaf back THROUGH ALL THOSE PAGES to try and find them, I can't find the page I need and I have no idea who the person is. What a pain.

Well, now to get back to my reading and the nagging feeling that I've been having that something that was due today and I didn't do last night like I should have. I really hope that's just a feeling and not a reality.

I hated the dream I had last night.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Back To The Normal Weirdness

I am back, and better than ever! Then again, who knows? There's still enough time between now and when I fall asleep for the day to fall apart and for myself to not be fine anymore, but I am thinking positively!
Okay, so there was a family reunion not long ago, and I sold the painting in the post below in the auction for $240, which was a great surprise and boosted my confidence. However, that isn't what I wanted to say, at any gathering such as this there is always a huge fire (As well as stupid kids, who are part of my family but I don't know them, who like to mess with it and throw in a bunch of crazy stuff to watch it burn. not that I blame them, fire is very interesting to me too and it's hypnotizing.) and as I am sitting and looking at this huge fire, I see something tiny crawling near it on the ground. Oh, it's just a bug. Then it jumped onto one of the rocks surrounding the fire, Oh, not just a bug, a grasshopper. Then it jumped again. Right into the fire. RIGHT INTO IT. Stupid grasshopper, you had family and friends who loved you, why did you do that??? You will be missed, rest in peace. I hope you aren't suffering anymore...
If I had known that you were thinking of committing suicide, I would have stopped you. I thought you were warming yourself by the fire.

I didn't know grasshoppers were attracted to light, or heat, but hey, you learn something new everyday.

...Or you witness something and think you learned something from it, when really it doesn't mean Jack...poop...

I like to make a point not to swear.

Anyways, enough of this craziness. I was at church this past Sunday and the sermon started just like this, "I'm glad I can be here with you today to talk about fish." and being the person I am, I started laughing.

There was a message to that, I know there was, but I was too distracted thinking of how I should write about it in my blog that I didn't really listen. Something to do with fish I'm sure.

I was at a restaurant a while back, and I think the waiter was two different people. He would come out and refill drinks and whatnot, and not say a word, even if you thanked him. He would leave, come back whistling and talking, leave, come back and not say a word, and then come back whistling again.
I knew the song, I can't remember what it was now, and when he stopped whistling I continued it for him, expecting some awesome whistling contest, or maybe some harmony, and then some applause form the surrounding tables, but he didn't, he ignored me. Oh well.

How often do you get served my a whistling waiter? That even has a ring to it. I am honored to say that I have been.

And now I will stop procrastinating and start on a paper I have due tomorrow.

Good-day mate

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Painting (Again)

Asian Wood (Mandarin) Duck!
That's all I feel like saying right now. Maybe some other time

Friday, January 13, 2012

Starting Over Again?

You bettcha. I didn't want to, but it seems like I have to start over again at college life, just like when I first got here. I've added another new years resolution, and I know I'm going to stick to it.

I've been thinking, I might create a different random blog for other things going on in my mind. I promised myself that I would not put anything that wasn't weird, funny, or just pleasant overall on this one, and a while ago I deleted some depressing posts because they do not belong, this is a good only blog, so why not a bad only one too?
But it will not be connected to this one in any way! If you ever ran across it you may never know, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hehe.

College is back! I have two interesting classes, and two that I can hardly stand to sit through, and the two I can hardly stand to sit through are classes that I have basically already taken in high school and know already but I need them for my AA so I'm sitting through them, should be easy.

I've got a wedding to go to today, I'm one of the photographers! And then tomorrow, I have a family reunion to go to which should be fun! Not going home until Sunday, qnd then Monday is a day off! Maybe the weekend won't be so bad after all!

You know how people ask themselves what they want from life? Really they should just be focusing on what they get out of it. Want in one hand, poop in the other, see which you have more of. If you just want something from life, that's not going to help, you have to do the best with what you have! After you've done the best you can with what you have, then you can work to get what you want.

I cleaned out my old antique chest, lined it with paper not he inside, and put all of my art supplies in it, one mo box unpacked, and a very nice ace for my sketchbooks, paints, a pastels, everything! Plus a giant tiger sitting on the top of it, he guards it for me.

"Twitching tufted tail,
A toasty tawny tummy
A tired tiger." -Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes

I love those comics :3

It always takes me a while to get used to a shorter haircut, I reach back and I still freeze for a second "HOLY CRAP WHERE'S MY HAIR???" haha. It's almost been a month too! My poor brain, it's stressed out!

Well, off for a busy couple of days, enjoy the weekend everyone!